My Story

God is in Every story.

Ephesians 1:18 

“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people.”

Hey ya’ll, I guess I should start with a little introduction! My name is Shanna Nutter and I could be here for days telling you all there is to know about me, but we can save that for next time over coffee and something fresh from the oven! For now, just a glimpse into how this all began…

With God there is purpose in Everything. Not one detail is overlooked or wasted and the longer I stay walking with Him the deeper my heart becomes enlightened with the beauty of His woven tapestry of my life. Every desire He placed on my heart were stepping stones to get me to this place of joy and mystery.

One afternoon in spring, God placed it on my heart to begin baking breakfast goodies for church on Sunday mornings. A little out of left field for me because I had barely ever baked before and what I had baked wasn’t always the best. I didn’t even really do the cooking in our house. So, with the support of my husband, I stepped out in faith to bake a treat here and there, and my heart grew watching the joy they brought those around me. Their joy were deposits into my heart to try again and again! 

Much to my surprise everyone loved what I was making. how could that be, I didn’t even know what I was doing, remember I had never done this before. Even my husband tried to make my Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies and is convinced that I lied on my recipe because they never turn out the same.

I'm thankful God doesn’t keep us comfortable, but that he stretches us all the while His presence is the COMFORT. Thank you for being a part of the woven story He is calling forth and creating. I pray these treats not only fill your tummy but also your heart knowing that it was by faith that this all began.

So, maybe this is something I can do, through Him. So here we go!